Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

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    Chapter 1: The Mindset of a Highly Skilled Negotiator

    • The mindset starting point: self image

    • Treat it as a game

    • Thoughts are things

    • Are you sending double binding messages?

    • How to build a world class self image

    • The Secret power of Persist, Open, Explore (POE)

    • Outcomes based thinking and why it matters, right from the start!

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    Chapter 2: The Language of a Highly Skilled Negotiator

    • How to use persuasive language to give you an edge in negotiations

    • The psychology of persuasion: Robert Cialdini's 5 principles - Part 1

    • The psychology of persuasion: Robert Cialdini's 5 principles - Part 2

    • The power of explaining the "Why" not the "What" in persuasion

    • Credibility and persuasion in negotiations

    • How to negotiate with C Level Executives

    • How To persuade using LEV, you'll never forgot this!

    • How to overcome objections every time

    • How Negotiations Get Derailed

    • Ethical Negotiation: How to avoid being manipulated and what to look out for

    • Unethical Behaviour: Manipulation through lies, deceit and devaluing and how to deal with it

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    Chapter 3: The Composure of a Highly Skilled Negotiator

    • Why Composure is the ultimate advantage in negotiations

    • This is how you separate from average when presenting offers

    • How to STOP triggering doubt in the other party

    • This one skill will radically change your negotiations forever

    • Do this to find the real agent for change

    • How to inspire change in someone

    • Make this your emotional home in negotiations

    • How to stand out In Elevator Pitches and own the conversation

    • The secret to using ice breakers and storytelling to facilitate ease and be remembered

    • A masterclass in using tonality to influence and uncover

    • Mastering the delivery of your questions

    • How to Master Your Pace

    • How you can blow the negotiation up

    • How to have no attachment to the outcome

    • How inspiring their curiosity helps you

    • Psychological techniques backed by research to improve composure, focus and effectiveness during negotiations

    • Self worth and self affirmation in negotiations - Part 1

    • Self worth and self affirmation in negotiations - Part 2

    • Resilience and negotiation

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    Chapter 4: The Confidence of a Highly Skilled Negotiator

    • The 3 levels of confidence

    • Why is confidence important in negotiation

    • How to deal with nerves in high stakes negotiations

    • Get into the habit of giving

    • Creativity in Negotiations

    • Public speaking and powerful conversations - capturing audience attention

    • Public speaking and powerful conversations - capturing audience attention 2

    • Things highly skilled negotiators pick up on - Part 1

    • Things highly skilled negotiations pick up on - Part 2

    • Don't count yourself out

    • Courage Unleashed: 30-Day Rejection Therapy Guide

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    Chapter 4: The Outcomes of a Highly Skilled Negotiator

    • Psychological principles that matter in outcomes based negotiation

    • The integrity of a highly skilled negotiator

    • How to use loss aversion to close deals and drive urgency in negotiations

    • What can they stand to loose and how to use loss to influence forward action

    • The secret to price negotiations you'll never forget

    • Negotiation tactics that will be used against you and how to combat them

    • Don't miss these opportunities to leverage in the negotiation

    • Outcomes based thinking and bargaining

    • Set the vision and shoot for the stars with impossible outcomes

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    Next steps

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

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    Bonus: Job Interview Mastery Course (Worth $97)

    • How To Crush The 1st Round Interview Using Nikes Core Principles

    • How To Crush The 1st Round Interview The Using CCQ Framework

    • Knock out 30/60/90 Day Plan Template (Download)

    • 5 things you must do to ensure you nail the interview (Part 1)

    • 5 things you must do to ensure you nail the interview (Part 2)

    • How to differentiate yourself when negotiating job offers

    • Self image and Job Interviews

    • Taking control of the interview and guiding the process

    • Leveraging your intuition in job interviews

    • Navigating tough questions that could throw you off and maintaining a high standard

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    Bonus: How To Handle Cross Cultural Negotiations

    • Cultural differences in negotiations

    • Japan in negotiations

    • Tips to handle cross broader negotiations

    • Saving face, bargaining chips and the word "No"

    • The ‘Ringi’ Process

    • Deru kugi wa utareru (“The nail that sticks up is hit”)

    • Why the concept of lifetime employment is important when negotiating

    • Concealing Emotions