Course curriculum

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    Build Confidence

    • Chapter 1 | What It Means to Be The Lion

    • WORKSHEET: Which of The 4Cs Are You Biased Towards?

    • Chapter 2 | What are Destructive Habits?

    • WORKSHEET: Which Destructive Habits Do You Want To Drop?

    • Chapter 3 | My Motto, Believe It Is Possible

    • WORKSHEET: How to Create Your Own Empowering Motto

    • Chapter 4 | What’s Your Excuse?

    • WORKSHEET: What's Your Excuse?

    • Chapter 5 | How to Develop A Lion Mindset

    • Chapter 6 | The Power of a Smile

    • Chapter 7 | 24 Hour Exercise: The Smile Your Ass Off Challenge

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    Find Purpose

    • Chapter 8 | How to Find Your Life of Meaning

    • WORKSHEET: How to Find Your Life of Meaning

    • Chapter 9 | Vision Board & Think and Grow Rich Formula

    • WORKSHEET: Craft Your Desire Statement

    • LIFE MOMENT: Goal Setting and Success Tips

    • Chapter 10 | Priorities = Progress

    • WORKSHEET: Knowing Your Priorities and Imagining Your Future Life

    • Chapter 11 | Warren Buffets 2 List Strategy

    • WORKSHEET: Your Top 25, List A and List B

    • Chapter 12 | How to Become a Master of Time Management

    • WORKSHEET: Which Tasks Do You Need to Mange, Focus, Delegate and Eliminate?

    • Chapter 13 | The Zone of Fulfilment

    • WORKSHEET: Time Tracking Like A Boss

    • Chapter 14 | Achieve Your 10-Year Plan TODAY!

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    Transform Your Self Identity

    • Chapter 15 | 7-Day Exercise: The What If I Only Had 6 Months Challenge

    • Chapter 16 | Three Strategies For Decision Making and Taking Action (Perfectionism, Burn The Boats, Go Big)

    • WORKSHEET: Decision Making and Action

    • Chapter 17 | Maximise Your Strengths

    • WORKSHEET: Identify Your Top Talents

    • The Strengthsfinder Exercise

    • Chapter 18 | Fear Setting (Tim Ferriss Style)

    • WORKSHEET: Fear Setting

    • Chapter 19 | What Persistence Is All About

    • Introducing Our Action Hero

    • Chapter 20 | 5 Steps To Overcome Fear and Cultivate Courage (Part 1)

    • Chapter 20 | 5 Steps To Overcome Fear and Cultivate Courage (Part 2)

    • Chapter 21 | How Vulnerability Links to Courage

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    Life Moments

    • Goal Setting and Success Tips

    • Surround Yourself With Success

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    Course Resources

    • Be The Lion Course Handbook (all worksheets and exercises).

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    Added Bonus Lessons